Filtering ========= Banana ------ Filtering is sometimes needed when the output of Python Call Graph is overwhelming, or if you want to only measure a small portion of your program. The filtering guide below is based on the ` `_ example. Let's demonstrate with a class that can eat a banana: .. literalinclude:: filtering/ No Filter --------- The code to measure it without any configuration, apart from the output file: .. literalinclude:: filtering/ The Graphviz output after running the measurement code: .. container:: example-image .. image:: filtering/filter_none.png Hide the secret --------------- Probably need to hide that **secret_function**. Create a :ref:`GlobbingFilter ` which excludes **secret_function** along with **pycallgraph** so we don't see the internals. Add that filter to the config option called **trace_filter**: .. literalinclude:: filtering/ And the output: .. container:: example-image .. image:: filtering/filter_exclude.png You can also use "include" as well as "exclude" in the :ref:`GlobbingFilter `. Maximum Depth ------------- Let's say you're only interested in the first level of calls. You can specify this using **config.max_depth**: .. literalinclude:: filtering/ And the output: .. container:: example-image .. image:: filtering/filter_max_depth.png